Caringbah High School

A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education.

Telephone02 9524 3859

Success at Caringbah High

Success at Caringbah High

We are thrilled to announce that our 2023 Dux is Samuel Tyler. Samuel achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95.

Congratulations to Samuel who achieved a State Rank of 2nd in the State in Software Design and Development, and is also a HSC Distinguished Achiever.

Samuel is an outstanding individual in every respect, and is regarded by all who know him as a person who undertakes tasks with conscientiousness, maturity and industry. His academic achievements are impressive, including ranking 9th in the state in HSC Mathematics Advanced as an accelerant in 2022. Samuel is also a highly accomplished musician and technician, leading numerous initiatives in these areas over a sustained period.

At the Year 12 Graduation, Samuel was awarded the The RJ Bellamy Award for the Generous Sharing of Giftedness. The award acknowledges the importance of sharing one’s talents to the benefit of others. Samuel has demonstrated generosity and selflessness in all he does, generously sharing his extraordinary mathematical ability in workshops for his peers, enhancing their knowledge and confidence in the highest levels of HSC Mathematics. Additionally, his technological prowess and leadership in both Tech Crew and Caringbytes has enhanced the capabilities of those around him, who have flourished under his humble and expert leadership.

Congratulations Samuel, we wish you all the best in your future.


Success at Caringbah High

Cate Chapman 99.75

Congratulations to Cate who achieved a State Rank of 5th in the State in Extension 1 English. Cate is a HSC All Rounder, having achieved the top band in all her subjects, and was on the Distinguished Achievers list.

At the Year 12 Graduation, Cate was awarded with the Ampol Best All Rounder Award. It is one of Australia’s most prestigious secondary school awards. It is awarded to a student who has achieved excellence in a range of pursuits from the classroom to the sporting field and beyond. Award winners are characterised by their leadership, commitment and the example they set within the school and wider community.

Cate is an outstanding student in every respect. Academically, she is an extremely capable scholar across all her subjects, with an inquiring mind and a perceptive nature. She undertakes all tasks with great diligence, integrity, and enthusiasm.

Cate has been a valuable member of the SRC as School Vice-Captain. She has helped organise and participate in whole-school initiatives and continues to refine her leadership and collaboration skills.

Congratulations Cate.

Success at Caringbah High

Congratulations to Isabella Rodrigues on earning a place to study a Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelors of Politics, Philosophy and Economics at UNSW.

Isabella says " I am thankful for having teachers who always gave me the opportunity to seek extra assistance and stay back to help us on Wednesday afternoons when we really needed help. My advice would be to utilise this assistance that the school provides because it really makes a difference if used diligently."

Well done Isabella.