For detailed information about our BYOD program: BYOD Student and Parent Information
BYOD Student Agreement Form: The BYOD Student Agreement
For more information about the DoE Student acceptable use policy.
How to Connect your BYOD to the school wifi network: Connecting your BYOD (PDF 317KB).
What is BYOD?
Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to students bringing a computer technology device, owned by a student or the student's family, to school for the purpose of learning. Caringbah High School has chosen a BYOD model that will meet the needs of most families according to data from current research, student surveys, parent surveys, student focus groups and staff surveys.
Our BYOD Preference and Recommendation
The school recommends a laptop as the BYOD. Our preference is a MS Windows OS laptop. Our staff are familiar with MS Windows and some Faculties such as Science and Technology use software which will only run in a MS Windows operating system. Some of this software is freely available to students. See the BYOD Information document above for further details about important minimum requirements. The laptop must be able to access the school WiFi network and have specific software installed.
BYOD Student Agreement
Before students are able to bring their laptop to school a BYOD Student Agreement must be completed. Students and caregivers must sign and return the BYOD Student Agreement that sets out the responsibilities when using the device at school.
The signed BYOD Student Agreement must be returned to office prior to bringing the device to school.
The purpose of BYOD is to continue technology-rich learning for all students at Caringbah High School. There will be opportunities for students to collaborate with others, connect with a global community, receive feedback from teachers, and create to show an understanding of their learning.
Educational research shows that BYOD leads to many benefits in learning. Some of these benefits are listed below:
- Devices such as laptops are already a very significant part of students' lives. Since these devices are integral to their lives, they should be integral to their learning lives.
- Mobile devices are part of 21st century living and integral to learning 21st century skills, which are vital for students to learn and develop.
- BYOD supports personalised learning for students.
- BYOD allows learning to be even more collaborative.
- When students are able to use their own devices, it often leads to increased motivation and engagement in learning.