Caringbah High School

A selective and coeducational high school, providing a quality, innovative and nurturing education.

Telephone02 9524 3859


Caringbah High School is a fully selective high school. Selective schools help gifted and talented students to learn by grouping them with other gifted and talented students, teaching them in specialised ways and providing educational materials at the appropriate level. Selective high schools are unzoned so parents can apply regardless of where they live.

Year 7 applications for Caringbah High School

 Year 7 2025 applications are closed.
Year 7 placements are administered by the Selective Education Team. 

Applications for Year 7 entry to a selective high school are submitted online.

Applications open 7 November 2024 to 21 February 2025 for placement in Year 7 2026.

Future placement test dates- Friday 2 May to Sunday 4 May 2025.

For detailed information regarding Year 7 entry Department Of Education Selective Schools applications Year 7


Years 8 to 11 applications for Caringbah High School 

Applications are now closed

21 June - 26 July 2024


To apply for placement in a selective high school for Years 8 to 11 download the application form available from the link below.

For detailed information regarding Years 8 to 11 entry Department of Education Selective Schools applications Years 8 to 11 

Australian citizenship and residency status.

Students seeking to enrol in selective high schools must be Australian citizens or holders of a visa granting permanent resident status in Australia. Information on Australian citizenship is available on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website at: 


Entry into Years 8 – 11, 2026

Applications for Years 8-11 entry to Caringbah High School will open on Wednesday  18 June 2025 and close 3.15pm on Friday 25 July 2025.

Please note that testing is required for 2026 entry.

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Performance in the ACER Higher Ability Selection Test
  • An assessment by the Enrolment Committee of your child’s two most recent school reports and the latest NAPLAN reports
  • An interview at the school will be conducted for whom the offer of a place is being considered


The entry test will be conducted on Saturday 3 August 2024. For administrative purposes, all candidates must be present at school by 9am.  The test will commence at 9.30am in Caringbah High School's Gymnasium.  Applicants will receive further information regarding testing procedures in an email from the school.

  • Caringbah High School
  • Fort Street High School (Year 11 only)
  • Girraween High School
  • Gosford High School
  • Hornsby Girls High School
  • Hurlstone Agricultural High School
  • Macquarie Fields High School
  • NBSC Manly Campus
  • Penrith High School
  • St George Girls High School
  • Sydney Technical High School 

Please make direct contact with individual selective high schools to find out about specific assessment requirements and selection criteria for entry to Years 8 - 11. 

Application information for parents

You may apply for entry to a maximum of three Selective High Schools. To gain entry from the above selective schools in Years   8 – 11   your child will need to sit the Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST) developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), it will be conducted at Caringbah High School.

If your first preference is Caringbah High School selected from the list of schools above, you will need to apply and pay a non-refundable payment of $130. This administration fee pays for the setting , marking and external supervisors. Your child will then sit the test at Caringbah High School on Saturday 3 August 2024 meeting at 9.00am. 

A non-refundable administration fee of $50 will need to be paid to Caringbah High School if we are your second or third choice.

If we are your second or third choice and your first choice is not from the list of schools above you will be required to pay a non-refundable payment of $130.

All application payments must be paid to Caringbah High School by using the link

Please select Add Item and tick the appropriate box that applys to your application, then Pay Now.

Caringbah High School will share the results of the test with the other schools on the list above.


The HAST Student Information Bulletin below provides you with test sample questions.

Student Information Bulletin


Application information for Years 8 - 11 2025

  1.  Download a printable version of the application form available from the 21 June.
  2. Submitting your application (select one of the following options)
  3. Submit in person - the completed application form, photo copies of the two most recent school reports (semester 2, 2023 and semester 1, 2024) NAPLAN reports (when it is made available) and a photocopy of your child's birth certificate/passport  with the receipt from your online payment.
  4. Mail application - the completed application form, photocopies of the two most recent school reports, latest NAPLAN reports (when it is made available) and a photocopy of either  birth certificate/passport  and an online payment receipt to Caringbah High School, PO Box 328 Caringbah 1495.  All applications mailed on Friday 25 July 2025 must be post marked by the Post Office.
  5. All applicants will be acknowledged in writing by the school.
  6. Outcome advice will be sent to applicants in October/November.
  7. School office hours are Monday to Friday 8.30 - 3.15pm (school terms only).
  8. All applications must be received by Friday 25 July 3.15pm.
  9. Late applications will not be accepted.
  10.  We are not able to accept applications electronically.



  How many students gain entry to Caringbah High School from Years 8 - 11?

  • In 2023 sixteen students gained places over four year groups.
  •  As the school maintains 150 places in each of the Year groups from 7 – 10, new students can only enrol into these groups if a current student leaves the school. 
  • In Year 11 the Principal determines the number of new students in this year based on their performance in the ACER test and, where appropriate, school reports and an interview. This number will vary from year to year.

Enrolment into Year 12 would, in the majority of circumstances, be an educational disadvantage for the student.  Therefore enrolment into Year 12 would be highly unlikely and be at the discretion of the Principal.    


Moving overseas

Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT? 

Email to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.