The Caringbah High School Music Ensembles Program is focussed on musical excellence, as well as inclusion so that both talented musicians and enthusiastic learners can enjoy music and reap the academic, emotional and social benefits of co-curricular music. The program is built around many performance opportunities, scattered throughout the year. These include school concerts, community outreach performances, competitions and the annual Music Camp and Music Night. Within the school's eighteen ensembles, there are four distinct areas of study – instrumental, vocal, contemporary music and jazz.

Music Camp
Students from all ensembles attend the music camp, which are held prior to the Annual Music Night in Term 2 and is eagerly anticipated by all students.
Students are given many opportunities to perform, both in ensembles and individually. Music concerts are throughout each year, showcasing the talents and hard work of each ensemble.
In Term 2, every ensemble performs at the Annual Music Night, and in Term 4 at the Cazbah Music Awards Night. These events are popular with the extended family of many students and are always certainly a night not to be missed. Some ensembles also have the opportunity of competing in the Sydney Eisteddfod, NSW Schools Band Festival and other competitions and community events from year to year.
Music Support Group
The Music Support Group is a group of parents who work in co-operation with the music staff to help run the Co-Curricular Music Program. The program, although supported by the school, is a self-funded program. Students pay ensemble fees, which are used to pay tutors, purchase music and instruments, repair instruments and pay entry fees to competitions. The MSG also helps with the Music Concerts, Cazbah and the Annual Music Night.
The MSG has also set up, in co-operation with the Music Staff, a means of communicating to parents and students information about the ensembles via emails. The MSG meets in the Library on the last Tuesday of the month, at 6.30pm. All parents are encouraged to become involved and find out how they can help. This support is vital to allow the Co-Curricular Music Program to continue and for the high musical standard for which CHS is known, to be maintained.
Flute Ensemble
Students who are academically gifted are often also musically talented. The Music Staff at Caringbah High School are aware of this and provide many opportunities for students to be involved in music ensembles. The administration of these ensembles is handled jointly by the CHS Music Department and the Music Support Group, which is made up of volunteer parents.
Contemporary Music Program
Many students play more than one instrument and are involved in several ensembles. Entry to most ensembles is by audition at the start of the year. Every student involved in the Co-Curricular Music Program must be in at least one Primary Ensemble (Symphony Orchestra, Senior Choir, Junior Choir, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Junior Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble) and can then also choose to audition for a Secondary Ensemble (Chamber Choir, Stage Band, Big Band, Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Combo, Contemporary Music Program and Saxophone, Strings, Percussion, Flute, and Clarinet Ensembles).
Primary Ensembles
Junior Choir consists of students in Years 7 - 8 and caters for students with or without choral experience. Senior Choir is for Years 9 – 12 who are either experienced singers or students with no musical experience. These choirs’ repertoire includes a variety of styles, from contemporary to musical theatre, to some of the classics. The songs are usually full of rich harmonies sung in parts.
Symphony Orchestra is for wind, brass and percussionists in Year 7 - 12 who have achieved high levels of skill on their instrument. They perform a wide range of repertoire and often combine with the Choirs. The quality of sound produced by this ensemble is high, demonstrating fine musicality.

String Orchestra
Our Concert Bands consist of students from all years. Symphonic Wind Ensemble is for the more advanced students. Concert Band is for students who have had some experience on their wind, brass and percussion instruments and who are in Years 7 - 10. Students are promoted from Concert Band into Symphonic Wind Ensemble when they have met the required standard of technical and performance ability.
Guitar Ensemble performs music chosen to suit the particular interests and abilities of its members.
Secondary Ensembles
Chamber Choir is for the more experienced singers at CHS. The music chosen is more challenging than the choir music, with some of the pieces being a Capella. Jazz Combo is one of the smaller ensembles, which focusses on playing various jazz styles. This ensemble is for advanced students only. Jazz Orchestra, Stage Band and Big Band play a wide variety of jazz styles, including swing and blues. Instruments used in these are electric guitars, keyboards, drums, brass and saxophones. Some numbers also have a vocalist.
Jazz Orchestra
Clarinet, Flute, Percussion, Saxophone and String Ensembles perform music arranged for like instruments. Music is chosen that suits the particular quality of each type of instrument. A variety of styles is studied in these ensembles.
Individual Tuition
Some students may be interested in having private tuition on their instrument. Specialist tutors are available for a variety of instruments during school hours.